BurnFat Blog

Superfoods for Super Bones

Many people believe that the primary cause of osteoporosis is the lack of calcium in their diet.  However, in the overall picture, calcium is only a small piece of the puzzle.  Though calcium supplements can certainly help, there are other dietary concerns that need to be examined. Actually, the primary dietary cause of osteoporosis is the eating foods that are highly acidic in nature, such as refined white sugar, refined white flour, high-fructose corn syrup, soft drinks, cookies, candies, sweets,… Continue Reading ›› The post Superfoods for Super Bones appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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Superfoods for Fighting the Flu

Breakouts of the flu are responsible for millions of lost hours at both work and home each year, not to mention many miserable days trying to recover.  If you’re wondering what you can do to naturally boost your immunity and prepare your body’s defenses, study the foods you’re eating, look at your family’s meals, and make the changes needed to ensure everyone is eating a well-balanced diet abundant in nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables, low-fat proteins, and complex carbohydrates. Black currants… Continue Reading ›› The post Superfoods for Fighting the Flu appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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Superfoods to Stomp out a Cold

Not only do healthy, nutrient-dense foods nourish your body and help the cells grow and reproduce, they also help arm your body’s defenses to ward off attacks from germs that cause colds. Another important component of your anti-cold defense system is water.  When your body is dehydrated, it’s at an increased risk of germs latching on and not letting go. So be sure to drink plenty of water and decaffeinated drinks to help your body stay hydrated and ready. Just… Continue Reading ›› The post Superfoods to Stomp out a Cold appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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Superfoods to Rejuvenate Body, Mind and Spirit

When the goal is rejuvenating the body, mind and spirit, the method should be smaller, more frequent snacks and meals.  This will help keep energy levels on an even keel, and regulate your blood sugar levels to avoid spikes and dips. When you choose the right combination of foods, your body gets the much-needed boost it needs to sustain itself properly, even through those slumps later in the day. So dump those high sugar junk foods and reach for the… Continue Reading ›› The post Superfoods to Rejuvenate Body, Mind and Spirit appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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