BurnFat Blog — Health Articles

Color Your Way to Daily Health

It’s important that we eat plenty of different fruits and vegetables every day. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and other substances that are important for good health. Most fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories and are filling. You’ve probably heard about the 5 A Day for Better Health program.  It provides easy ways to add more… Continue Reading ›› The post Color Your Way to Daily Health appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

It seems like everywhere you look, there’s a new pill or medicine that will ‘instantly cure’ your sickness, disease or health issue.  And while taking a pill to cure what ails you might be convenient and simple, maybe it’s really time to sit down and take a good, long look at what you’re feeding your body, or as it might be, not feeding your body.  Are you truly giving your body the nutrients it needs to take care of itself? … Continue Reading ›› The post Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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You are what you eat

Recent dietary research has uncovered 14 different nutrient-dense foods that time and again promote good overall health.  Coined “superfoods,” they tend to have fewer calories, higher levels of vitamins and minerals, and many disease-fighting antioxidants. Beans (legumes), berries (especially blueberries), broccoli, green tea, nuts (especially walnuts), oranges, pumpkin, salmon. soy, spinach, tomatoes, turkey, whole grains and oats, and yogurt can all help stop and even reverse diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and some forms of cancer. And where one… Continue Reading ›› The post You are what you eat appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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Sleep Your Way To Skinny

How Better Sleep Helps You Burn Fat You might be surprised to learn that your sleep affects your weight. Studies have shown that people who get better sleep weigh less. Similar studies have shown that by taking measures to improve your sleep can help you lose weight. Why Sleep Matters When you sleep your body spends that time recovering from the day. Your organs, hormonal systems and your cells take your down time to regroup. If you’re not getting enough… Continue Reading ›› The post Sleep Your Way To Skinny appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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