BurnFat Blog — Health Articles

Ideas for Establishing Healthy Eating Habits

Many of us only dream of eating healthily for the rest of our lives. Instead, we just diet, lose weight, and then resume our old dietary habits only to gain weight again. According to many experts, the key to breaking this cycle is to establish good eating habits that will last a lifetime. But how can you do that? Isn’t healthy eating boring and bland? How can you eat like that for the rest of your life? The good news… Continue Reading ›› The post Ideas for Establishing Healthy Eating Habits appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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About Omega 3 Fish oils

Question: What’s all the fuss about Omega 3 fish oils? What do they do for my body? Answer: Omega 3 fish oils are a substance that can be found in the bodies of fish. However, eating fresh fish is no longer recommended. The mercury levels that are prevalent in almost all fresh fish these days can be very detrimental to your health. However, companies have manufactured fish oil that is mercury free by processing the oils that naturally occur in… Continue Reading ›› The post About Omega 3 Fish oils appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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5 Myths about the Fitness Exercises

1. Sport is for professionals. This idea applies only in the case of performance sports. The native qualities required for professional sportsmen (speed, skills, specific height, etc.) can only be developed, they can’t be formed by training. As long as the aim of a regular person is not performance, almost all sports can be practiced for keeping the body in a good shape. It’s all about dosing the training you chose, so that the benefits are bigger than the wear… Continue Reading ›› The post 5 Myths about the Fitness Exercises appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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5 Great Tips On Exercise

Have exercise misconceptions prevented you from starting an exercise program? Clear up any confusion and let these exercise tips improve your workout routine. Hopefully none of these common exercise myths, mistakes and misconceptions have prevented you from working out. 1. Common Mistake: Failure to set goals. Do you exercise without a clear goal in mind? Having a clear goal set is a critical step in exercise and weight loss success.  Tracking your progress in a journal will help ensure you… Continue Reading ›› The post 5 Great Tips On Exercise appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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