Basics on a Healthy Diet
Balance providing balance in your diet involves an intentional inclusion of different foods in proportion to each other based on the value that each food has to your total goal. For some, food choices might include a specific macronutrient balance. Most health organizations recommend a diet consisting of a balance from Carbohydrate at 55-65%, Protein at 10-15% and Fats at no higher than 30% of total calories. Other programs sometimes recommend that the nutrient balances be altered to a 40:…
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About Food Myths
People teachings concerning this matter may be either borrowed from the older generations,or may be the results of personal researches in this field,based on the study of one’s own body. We could however unveil the truth behind many superstitions, beliefs and myths regarding food and healthy eating. These myths may feed upon our fear of disease, which make us act in a certain way in desire to protect ourselves. One such myth is that if you drink too much, it…
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A Realistic Approach to Weight Loss
When it comes to weight loss, we are all guilty of setting our sights too high too fast, only to come down crashing twice as hard and even eventually quitting. While it is wonderful to have high aspirations, when it comes to weight loss, it is important to stay grounded, set small goals, and proceed forth from there. Weight loss is not only an action step, but it is also a thought process, as well. Thinking about what you want…
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Key Ingredients of a Weight Loss Plan
Most, if not all, individuals desire to lose weight at one point or another in their lives. For many, it is done in a haphazard sort of way without much thought, planning, or time to expend. However, losing weight involves much more than determination or desire. It is necessary to implement a good weight loss plan. Just as you would make a list for any typical household project, a list in the form of a good weight loss plan is…
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