BurnFat Blog — Health Articles

You Say Tomato – I Say Superfood

The tomato has been called many things throughout history:  Peruvian apple, love apple, and even, by Americans at least, a vegetable.  Today, however, this lovely fruit is fast becoming known as Superfood! While not able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, this super hero of the nutrition world is able to do some pretty amazing things.  For example, some studies show the tomato may help decrease the risk of prostate cancer, as well as breast, lung and stomach… Continue Reading ›› The post You Say Tomato – I Say Superfood appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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Amazing Antioxidants

The prefix ‘anti’ means against, in opposition to, or corrective in nature. In this case, the ‘anti’ in antioxidant describes the effect these chemicals have against oxidants. Oxidants, usually referred to as ‘free radicals’ are produced as a natural by-product of the millions of biochemical processes undertaken by the body every minute. The same life-giving oxygen that supports all the functions of the body creates these harmful by-products which cause cell damage, usually to DNA, fats and proteins. Free radicals… Continue Reading ›› The post Amazing Antioxidants appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Coconut Oil

It is a common misconception that coconut oil is bad for you. People all over the world are experiencing the healthy benefits of using coconut oil. It is actually one of the healthiest oils you can consume. Here are the top seven reasons why you should use coconut oil as an alternative to other common cooking oils. 1. Coconut oil doesn’t turn to fat in your body. Unlike many other common oils, like soy (vegetable) and corn, coconut oil won’t… Continue Reading ›› The post 7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Coconut Oil appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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Tips to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

High blood pressure is a problem for many people. It can lead to a variety of other dangerous health concerns like stroke and heart disease. To keep yourself on the right side of health, here are some tips to help you lower your blood pressure naturally. High blood pressure can be a problem for both young and old alike. When blood vessels are narrowed by cholesterol plaques, it increases the pressure on the walls of the vessels to push blood… Continue Reading ›› The post Tips to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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