BurnFat Blog — Health Articles

Beat the Holiday Stress

While many people love the holidays, that joy and cheer can quickly turn into stress and dread from all the holiday shopping, traffic jams, tree cutting, and the million other things you have to do this time of year.  If you don’t beat the stress, you’ll get worn down, and it can increase your chances of holiday depression and weight gain. You can reduce your stress before the holidays even start by making a to-do list.  Write down everything you… Continue Reading ›› The post Beat the Holiday Stress appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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Weight Loss Methods That Really Work

There are so many methods for weight loss out there these days; it is difficult to find exactly the right one that works for you. And that is really the key, you have to find the one that works for you. However, according to research done, here are some of the top methods that are successful for hundreds of thousands of individuals. Pre-Packaged Meal Plans One of the biggest downsides of dieting is time. It takes a lot of time… Continue Reading ›› The post Weight Loss Methods That Really Work appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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Understanding Emotional Eating and How it Affects Your Weight

Understanding Emotional Hunger We all know the feeling of eating just because we are feeling a certain way and not necessarily because we are hungry. Eating to fill a void or to make us feel better is a great and simple way to explain emotional eating. Emotional eating happens to us all, at one time or another. Emotional eating is a double-edged sword. We may initially eat something unhealthy because we are feeling blue and then feel doubly guilty afterward.… Continue Reading ›› The post Understanding Emotional Eating and How it Affects Your Weight appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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Why Personal Weight Loss Programs Work Best for Women

If you have picked up a magazine in a doctor?s office or even flicked on the television, you have no doubt seen a commercial or advertisement for a personal weight loss program. With obesity at an all time high, it is no wonder that advertisers are marketing their target audience to women who want to lose a few pounds. Companies that service personal weight loss programs know the key to success is the key to a successful product in this… Continue Reading ›› The post Why Personal Weight Loss Programs Work Best for Women appeared first on Burn Fat Orlando.

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